
Saturday, September 21, 2013


It has been crazy busy since we started regular lessons again.  One forgets how much time school takes.  I make a list every morning, and lately my list hasn't been nearly as full as it was in the summer.  I almost wonder if I'm accomplishing anything--but as we make slow but steady progress through the curriculum, I know that I am, or rather, we are--since the kids are doing most of that work.

In addition to that, we've visited some friends, been to market and the grocery store, processed tomatoes and made salsa, passata, and tomato sauce.  My dear husband has done most of the canning.  I do okay at freezing vegetables, but don't feel confident at all about canning.  Plus all that, there is the usual cooking, cleaning, laundry and housework.  Some days it is just all overwhelming.

Last week I twisted my ankle, nearly falling down the front steps.  That put a wrench in my exercising for a few days, but I am happy to say it feels completely better already.  I'm not sure what I did exactly, but I am very glad it is better.

On the creative front, I've done very little.  Yesterday I sat down with a project for an hour, and spent half the time taking out seven stitches.  Because of the small count fabric, and the number of different shades in the area, it was very difficult to do.  But again because of the number of different shades, I can't seem to count past a mistake, however slight (it was one stitch off).  Needless to say, that was frustrating.  This project is more difficult than some I've done.  It is here, if you want to see it.  The actual photograph in the chart is prettier than the photo in the online catalogue, but that gives you an idea.  I think there are nine pages of chart.

Looking outside this morning, it is wet and gray--water drops on the leaves and window feeder after the tremendous rainstorm last night.  It is supposed to cool down.  It is kind of funny these days having to check the forecast before getting dressed every morning because you don't know if it will be a jeans and short-sleeved shirt day, jeans and sweater day, or capris and a t-shirt day.

Ok, I've rambled enough for the morning.  I have a menu to start on, and/or a walk routine to do, so I'd better get moving.

Friday, September 13, 2013

School, Fall Fair, and Salsa

This week is the first week we've had full days of lessons since we "officially" started our school year near the end of August.  Since that time, Belle got more work than she'd had all summer, we had a visit from friends lasting a couple of days, and Fall Fair happened.

We had a lovely time with friends last week-friends we haven't seen in a few years. In fact, they have two more children than they did the last time we saw them. We were blessed to have the use of a tent trailer for some of them to sleep in. That helped immensely, but it didn't solve the problem of one bathroom for seven children and four adults.  However, we survived, and quite happily.

The day after friends left, we spent the day baking for Fall Fair.  Two loaves of bread, two chocolate cakes (one flopped), one pan of brownies, one pineapple upside down cake, tea biscuits and shortbread, all baked by the three oldest family members, were ready by a rather late bedtime that evening.  Belle and I also had entries in Crafts.

Friday Belle and I had our duties at the Fair. We always have a good time watching and assisting the judges.
Saturday after a hurried house-cleaning, we were off to look at all the exhibits, have lunch, and pie! Five first-place wins, four second place wins, and two non-placing items were the result of our hard work.

Monday we started our lessons in earnest. It was a good day, but busy. Tuesday, in addition to some lessons, was salsa-making day.   My husband posted his take on that here. Friends also blessed us with a load of green beans.   Wednesday, in addition to school, it was my turn to work in the Hospital gift shop.
So it has been a busy couple of weeks.

Here are the results of some of the work last week:

And this week: